Our Team
Our team and materials
Our drilling boat
Drilling of lake with the boat
Our gravity corer
Gravity corer
our cores
Hazar Lake
Hazar Lake
Submerged church in Hazar Lake
Our hotel on the shore of Lake Hazar
Asagitepecik Lake
Golukoy Lake North of Kelkit River
Golukoy Lake
Golukoy Lake
Zinav Lake
Zinav Lake
Ladik Lake
Ladik Lake
Ladik Lake
Ladik Lake
Borabay Lake
Borabay Lake
Borabay Lake
Yenicaga Lake
The Destek Trench
The Destek Trench
Rental excavator to dig the trench
Destek trench near Ladik lake
Cleaning the trench
Trench Cleaning
Putting a grid on the trench walls
The fault zone in the trench
The fault zone in the trench
Magnetic susceptibility measurements
Our mascotte: Denise
In July, we did a geomorphological reconnaissance study along the East Anatolian Fault near Hazar Lake and along the North Anatolian Fault looking for potential trench sites. We also sampled different lakes, along the East Anatolian Fault the Hazar Lake, along the North Anatolian Fault: the main Ladik and Yenicaga lakes and the small Asagitepecik Lake near Golova, the Golukoy and Zinav lakes north of the Kelkit valley, and the Borabay Lake north-ouest of Tasova. We open a first paleoseismic trench east of Ladik Lake.
2006 Field Work Photos