The different sedimentary records collected in trenches, in terraces and in lake along the fault will be correlated to get a reliable seismic and paleoclimatic history over at least the last 2000 years. By using together these complementary technique we will set up a unique data-base of paleo-earthquakes on the North Anatolian Fault. With this kind of data set we hope to answers essential questions about recurrence behavior of large earthquakes.
In the project, we plan to use a diverse array of complementary techniques involving trenching across the fault combined with subsurface geophysics, dating of displaced geomorphic features and drilling of lake sediments along the fault trace.
Seismic Cycle of
the North Anatolian Fault
Figure caption - Blue dots: location of lakes studies (Yenicaga, Ladik, Borabay, Zinav, Golukoy, Asagitepecik). Red bars: trench sites (Destek, Resadiye, Golova). In violet, the rupture associated with M>7 earthquakes in 1939, 1942, 1943 and 1944.