JAPAN Earthquake, March 11th, 2011: ground displacements

JAPAN Earthquake, March 11th, 2011: ground displacements

Station Locations

Station Locations

Using the GPS data collected in two stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS), we computed the displacements of these stations due to the Earthquake. The stations are located in Mizusawa and Tsukuba at 140 km and 300 km far from the epicenter. The displacements are computed using kinematic Precise Point Positioning, with the software Atomium developed at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The solution is provided as one point each 5 minutes. The station Mizusawa stopped to provide any data since 15 min after the earthquake, which explains why the solution cannot provide more than two points after the earthquake.

For any additional information, please contact Nicolas Bergeot (02/373.06.29) or Pascale Defraigne (02/373.02.60)

More information can be found at http://supersites.earthobservations.org/sendai.php