
VLT Spots Largest Yellow Hypergiant Star

ESO’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer has revealed the largest yellow star — and one of the ten largest stars found so far. This hypergiant has been found to measure more than 1300 times the diameter of the Sun, and to be part of a double star system, with the second component so close that it is in contact with the [...]

Comet C/2012 ISON

If comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) survives its close pass to the Sun after November 28, it could become a very bright object in the morning skies in the beginning of december.

ISON is named for the Russia-based International Scientific Optical Network, in which the comet’s discoverers, Artyom Novichonok and Vitali Nevski, were participating when they observed the comet for the first [...]

10th European Space Weather Week

More than 350 scientists, satellite and network operators worldwide gather in Antwerp to discuss the theme Space Weather during the tenth edition of the “European Space Weather Week” (ESWW). During this international congress, they address the question how vulnerable and at the same time how resilient the society is during severe space weather. Research into the causes of solar storms, [...]

SSA Space Weather Coordination Centre

On Wednesday, 3 April 2013, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE) will present a new European Space Weather facility to the media.

The centre is being developed as part of ESA’s Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Programme. [...]

Odissea Prize 2012

Elodie Gloesener, PhD student on the IAP (Interuniversity Attraction Pole) TOPERS Planet (Planets: Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS), won the Odissea prize for her work in the frame of a Master in Space Sciences at the University of Liège on methane and clathrates of Mars (Promotor Veronique Dehant & Ozgur Karatekin). She studied the temperature [...]

Hypergiant !

A team of scientists including Dr. Alex Lobel of the ROB, reported they have finalized a thirty years long investigation of a hypergiant star. In that period the surface temperature of this gigantic and extremely bright star quickly rose from five to eight thousand degrees. With this discovery a crucial ‘missing link’ in the evolution of hypergiant stars has been [...]

Total Eclipse of the Sun in Australia

Observations from space (PROBA2-SWAP) and from Australia were coordinated by Belgian scientists.

Images are available at where you also can find the blog of Dr. Anik De Groof with fantastic images. [...]

Stellar Winds in a High-Speed Collision

A team of researchers including astronomers from the University of Liège and Dr. Ronny Blomme of the ROB has observed the colliding stellar winds of the two stars in the massive system Cyg OB2 #9.
They used observations from the satellites XMM-Newton (ESA) and Swift (NASA).
The result features in press releases by ESA, NASA and the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.